May fifth was Children's day and that is a holiday in Korea so we didn't have classes. Of course, it was on a Tuesday and I didn't have any classes anyway, but, I did get to spend time with Grace and that's always nice. So, there was a show, Korean drama, called Full House. It's not just a Korean version of the American show, Full House. This show, and a couple of others, were filmed on a small chain of islands by Incheon

. Grace had seen the show and wanted to go see the house... I wanted to spend time with Grace and going to a little island with her sounded great. So, we went.
We started by taking a bus to Suwon Station. There we got on a train that took us to Incheon. Once in Incheon we tried to find a bus that would take us to the ferry, with no luck. We took a bus that the bus driver of the bus we thought would take us to the ferry told us to take. It took us to a little fishing area about an hour away. Once there, we asked a couple of National Guard guys if they could help us. Now, we were thinking of them telling us where to go or calling a taxi but they ended up driving us to the dock.
Once at the dock, things started to get easier. We got on the ferry and went to the island

. Once there we waited for a bus and took it till the Full House stop

. Then we walked to a bike rental place and got two bikes. I thought it would be cute to get a tandem bike but we went with two separate bikes, a smarter idea. We biked for a little while and found a "pension" (hotel/motel) that was pretty and we took pictures there

. Then continued on till we got to the Full House house

. It was pretty and had a nice ocean (gulf, since it's on the West side of Korea) view


More importantly, Grace was happy.
After we left the Full House house, we biked to a different Korean drama house but Grace hadn't seen it, Sad Story (or something like that)

. Then we took the bikes back to the rental place. On the way we passed a place where you could ride a horse and Grace said, "HI" to the horse

. She's a little shy around animals so I was proud of her. After returning the bikes we walked to another island

(over a bridge) and saw some sculptures

. On the way back we hitch hiked to the dock. I told Grace I did want her to ever do that without me (I worry). It was two girls that picked us up... but still... you know. Once we got on the ferry

and across to the mainland we had to try and find a way to the airport, where the subway starts. Since we were driven there by the nation guard, we didn't know where the bus was. We walked for a ways but we were both really tired. Once we found a bus stop that listed us going to the airport. The bus driver said it didn't go to where we wanted to go. So, we didn't take that one and looked for another. Finally an older couple helped us out and we ended up taking the same bus that we could've taken before. They dropped us off at an airport shuttle bus stop. From there we took the shuttle bus to the airport terminals and then the subway to a couple of different lines and transfers until we made it back to Suwon and Ajou. It was a good day
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