So, yesterday was Friday and I didn't have class. So, I spent the majority of the day trying to work with the OIA (Office of International Affairs) to get classes worked out and get the documents I needed for the Alien Registration process. As it turned out they had my name as "Ebenjamin" so I had to go through another long process of getting my name changed in their system so I could get an accurate document to apply for my Alien Registration card (it's as bad and long as it sounds). Although, I should point out that my day started with a nice video chat with my parents. It was really nice to see and hear from my parents. They were really happy to hear from me as well. We probably talked for a little over half an hour but then I had to get going to the offices before they closed for lunch.
After a long process of getting my certificate of enrolment, I went to the Suwon Immigration Office (kinda like the DMV) and applied for my Alien Registration card. When I got back around 17:30 (left around 14:00 - 14:30) I went to a meeting of, and joined, the Ajou International Travel Club (AITC). The club seems interesting but it doesn't travel internationally like the name suggests. At the meeting I ran into some of the Chinese friends I made before and was invited to celebrate one of their birthdays later that night.
Like all things Korea

n, the meeting of the AITC ended with everyone going out to a bar. I went for about an hour and then returned to the dorms to meet up with the Chinese students (Note: when I say "Chinese" that includes Taiwan, Malaysian, etc. Sorry, but it's just faster that way... and I'm lazy). So, we, the group and Chinese students and myself, went out for Korean BBQ (pictured). As you can see, the girls sat on one side of the table and the guys were on the other. It was a fun night. I felt a little out of place but these days that's normal. Since I was the only one that had Korean BBQ before, and the only one that had grilled before, I pretty much cooked the food for the half of the table closest to the camera. After the dinner I went back to the AITC for a little bit and then back to the dorms before 00:00 since I still don't have an ID.
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