So, Tuesday night I met up with Grace (see the post for Tues). So at 00:00 (12:00 am) I was with Grace

and she wished me a happy birthday. Shortly after, we parted ways and I went to the bar that everyone was calling me from

. I, however, wasn't really in a drinking mood. So, I stayed for a little while but not too long. Then, I went to bed and had a nice dream that ended when I woke up

. Once I was up, I talked with my parents online and opened the birthday package they sent me

. We talked for awhile but since my computer is rather old, we weren't able to talk for too long.

After I finished talking with Mom and Dad I called Grace

and we met up by Campus Plaza. We had lunch at Han's Deli. I should note: Han's Deli is not really a "deli/delicatessen" - it serves pastas and a couple other things but no "cold cuts" or cold sandwiches or any kind. So, Grace and I ate and then went to Suwon station. We walked around for awhile and eventually went into a KFC for a drink and a sit (Note 2: The Korean KFC prideds itself on its cleanliness and freshness and is kind of a nice place to sit). We sat and talked in the KFC for awhile and eventually we went back to Ajou and Grace's appartment. She had bought me a cake

and we (Grace, her roommates, and myself) shared it

. It was good. We talked and Grace showed me some pictures and we talked some more (Note 3: Grace is good at English and I'm getting worse). She's Amazing (Note 4: "Amazing Grace"... yeah...). After I left Grace's Apartment I came back to the dorm, did some Korean homework, messed around on my computer (trying to get my Mandarin learning program to load), and eventually passed out (I was really tired)

So, between going to an Oasis Concert in Seoul, going to a North Korea vs South Korea futbal/soccer game, and spending the day with Grace... I think I picked the best one (Last note of the post: All three were options for Wed).
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