Alright, I had this idea (starting with the last post title) that I should title my post in weird ways so when people do a search for something "weird" they get my blog. I've decided against that. This one was going to be called, "breaking in a virgin" but it had a little more than the intended amount of "weird" to the name. I will explain that title later on in the post.
Yesterday was Tuesday and Evan and I have made it a tradition that we go into Seoul on Tuesdays since we don't have classes. We traveled all over the place. He was setting some things up for when his girlfriend comes to visit in a week and I was setting some stuff up for a trip I'm going to take Grace on. Since Grace checks my blog... I can't tell you much about what I did... and even though I got my hard drive back (with only a few of Grace's pictures :'( in it) I won't be putting up Seoul pictures. This will be another dull post, sorry. But, Evan and I had fun.

Evan can't really handle spicy food so that's why he's in pain in this picture.
For a couple of days I didn't shave. The first few days were just because I was lazy. Then, Grace wanted me to continue so she could see what I looked like. For those of you who don't know,

I look homeless if I don't shave. Thankfully, I shaved today and my face feels nice and smooth once again

OK, time for the big news. I made a purchase yesterday, in Seoul, because I was suffering from withdrawals. I bought a guitar.

It's an acoustic that I can plug into an amp and I got a case and a capo with it. Not bad for less than $100US. I know... some of you know more about guitars than others so here's a picture of it. I've never heard of the brand but that doesn't mean much... also, for less than $100US it's worth it to have a guitar to play now, a nice case, and I don't really need a capo but now I have one if I ever do. Take the subway back from Seoul with a guitar and my "homeless" look was really funny. Oh, I almost forgot, the "breaking in a virgin" title was what the guy selling me the guitar said he was doing when he tuned the guitar. I guess it had never been played before.
Well, I have a presentation in a couple of hours that I should continue to prepare for. Sign in and "follow" my blog... then you can leave comments. If I get a comment about something someone wants to hear about or see or something, I'll do my best to oblige.
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