Monday, March 16, 2009

Bad Weather

Some people have snow, others get rain, some with hail, and others with heat. In Suwon, Korea, the current weather is SAND!!! The weather report actually lists the current weather in Suwon to be "Sand". Apparently there is a problem of "yellow sand". This is sand and dust that blows in from China and causes a lot of people to have a cough and the air to be a bit cloudy (like a city with a lot of pollution). Many people walk around with what looks to be a medical mask on. Yes, I do have a cough and sore throat... pretty much everyone here does. So, what's the weather like by you?


  1. BJ, if you'd like I think I have a couple of painter's dusk mask I could send you, if you think that would help.

    Love, Dad

  2. Well, the weather in Cancun was AWESOME! Sun every day!!! Back in New York, it's chilly, but at least it's not raining... or sanding!!!
